速報APP / 攝影 / XstereO Player

XstereO Player



檔案大小:3.1 MB


版本需求:OS X 10.11 或以上版本,64 位元處理器


XstereO Player(圖1)-速報App

Enables viewing of 3D-images in various formats.

You can view 3D-images also directly from the web pages (and play slideshow) and by dragging them from other applications.

Supports MPO files, Side by Side, Top/Bottom and interleaved stereo pairs in JPG, JPS, PNG, TIFF, animated GIF files and anaglyphs as source format. Left and Right sides can be in two different files. Classic stereo cards scans are also supported.

You can view stereo pairs in MPO containers produced by Fujifilm Real 3D W3, Nintendo 3DS, HTC smartphones with stereo cameras, Sony cameras with 3D functions and other.

3D viewing is available in several modes including:

• Stereogram for Cross and Parallel viewing methods

• Stereogram for Top/Bottom viewing method with special glasses

XstereO Player(圖2)-速報App

• different kinds of Anaglyph mode for Red/Cyan and Green/Magenta glasses

• Left or Right eye only

• Vertical and Horizontal Interlaced modes for 3D monitors with polarized glasses

• 3D TV mode (half Side-by-Side and Over/Under) including 4K screen support

• Convenient special mode for viewing Classic stereo cards

• Special mode for triple Left-Right-Left images that could be found on the web

• Simple Stereo card emulation viewing mode

XstereO Player(圖3)-速報App

• Left-Right animation view mode (see Preferences for some options)

• zoom up to 100% and pan through the whole image in all modes

• view 3D-image sequences directly from the web pages

Slideshow mode with various effects and adjustable time interval.

Use Right and Left arrow keyboard keys or onscreen Navigation buttons to view all images in the current folder.

Touch bar support.

Export 3D views in to JPG, PNG TIFF of GIF files in any supported mode preserving all metadata and alpha channels. Export options stores separately from the current viewing mode options, so you can view images in one comfortable mode and export with another.

XstereO Player(圖4)-速報App

Batch mode allows you to convert multiple files with the same options (from web page or from disk folder).

Export feature including batch mode available for all for free with Demo watermark. Export feature without Demo watermark available through In-App purchase.

Please note: Playing 3D video files is not supported!

XstereO Player(圖5)-速報App